Mr. Henry Jordan III
Nursing Assistant
GLAHS - WLA Campus
Mr. Henry Jordan III, a U.S. Navy Veteran, has been employed with the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, WLA Campus for nearly two months. During this time, he has demonstrated exceptional customer service and leadership working with Veterans in the Community Living Center. Henry assists VA doctors and nurses with patient care in the emergency room at the WLA Campus.
“After several months of emails, phone calls and request for information regarding my application status with the Greater Los Angeles VA Medical Center, I decided to contact the Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO). VESO team member Dwayne Mitchell facilitated discussions with senior human resources officials providing me with continuous updates. Within a matter of weeks, I received and signed my commitment letter with the Department of Veterans Affairs, starting my VA career."
“Thank you VESO team for your support while I went through the process of getting employed at The Greater Los Angeles Veteran's Hospital. I am very pleased to be a part of the team and hope to be in a position to give other Veterans the care they deserve.”
For more information on the services provided by VESO, please contact us at 1-855-824-8387.
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